Stay Connected With Your Parents and Campers
Stay Connected

Your app is a free download from the Android Play Store and the Apple App Store. Your app icon stays on their phone for easy access!

Once your app is on their phone, you are one click away by phone, email, directions and more!

Custom Camp Apps

SehMobile is the first app builder to specialize in apps for the camping industry. We have a large feature set from which to choose when designing your app.

And SehMobile builds the app for you!

Click to see some of our featured Camp Apps.


Features available for inclusion in your app:

  • contact information
  • map it
  • forms (including applications and medical forms)
  • payments
  • calendars
  • videos
  • and much more

The best part is you get to decide what goes in your app! You are are not limited by a set template.

Keep Your App Current

Operating systems on phones are constantly changing. And newer devices often require software upgrades to mobile apps.

We keep your app current with these changes. In addition, we update your app as needed for new forms, events, videos, etc.

Friendly Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our customer service. You get personalized attention during the entire process!

And we are always there if you need us to make changes or answer questions.


SehMobile apps have an optional login to a secure and private Portal.

Data is be shared with your clients in a secure manner using this portal. Documents, payment history, pictures and other files are included in the Portal. Your parents access the portal data on-line or from their mobile device.


SehMobile apps accepts payments through our partner Simply Easier Payments.

Simply Easier Payments is an secure payment gateway.

Click for more information.

Benefits To Mobile

You want to have a mobile presence. Your parents are moving to tablets and smart phones instead of using PC computers. Software and web-sites suited to PCs do not run as well or at all on tablets.

The good news is your camp information is available to your parents all the time. They show pictures to friends, make a quick payment, fill out a form and check out camp news while watching a basketball game or sitting by the soccer field.

This is a huge opportunity for camps!!


SehMobile apps support flexible graphic combinations.

It is a simple matter to change the background on a screen, set up a grid of buttons, customize your icon, etc.

Copyright © 2011 to 2013 SehMobile